life's like that.....

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Till you came....
All I had was a dream

Life- an unending serach for a metaphor
Here a laden tree...
There a meandering river...
Now a bellowing wind....
Then a tranquil picture...

Now You are....
A search beyond search

A tumultous throb
Of a sleepless night.

How I want it to pass...

Like a whiff of smoke -
Dispelling the cloud of despond.

Endless search of a lone life,
In the bleak barren night.

All I hear is is the cold sob of a heavy heart...
What I take is all that I have...

A song unsung, a melody without a tune.

An nuntold story of a lone life life as it goes -
Withering willows...falling leaves...bereft heart....

And miles to go.......